Our Committment
Office Holdings Limited
Gender Pay Gap Report
Snapshot date: 5 April 2023
Office Holdings Limited (‘Office’) employs more than 250 employees located in Great Britain. We are therefore required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 to publish an annual gender pay gap report.
This report shows the difference between the average earnings of Great Britain male and female employees of Office, regardless of role seniority. The report also reflects differences in the average bonuses earned by such employees, the percentages of male and female employees receiving a bonus, and the proportions of males and females in each pay quartile of our workforce.
The report outlines the gender pay gap for Office for 2023, calculated as per the Regulations, at the snapshot date of 5 April 2023.
How is Gender Pay Gap calculated?
This is the difference between the average hourly pay rate of males and females across the organization, expressed as a percentage. It is reported both as a mean average and as a median (mid-point) figure.
Gender Pay and Bonus Gap Summary
Office’s overall gender pay gap mean is favorable to the male employees by 13.4%. However the overall gender pay gap median is 0% when comparing female to the male employees. This is a very positive result in comparison with the UK National median of *14.3%
* https://www.statista.com/statistics/280710/uk-gender-pay-gap
Of all males employed by Office in the 12-month period ended on 5 April 2023, 58.1% of the male employees received a bonus, while the corresponding proportion for females was 73.1%. The difference in the values of such bonuses received between male and female employees was a mean of 48.7% and a median of 50.9%.
Our Results Explained
Pay Gap:
The mean gender pay gap difference of 13.4% is predominately driven by the variance in the hourly paid rate of more senior male employees versus female employees. This is attributed to the fact that a larger number of females are employed in the lower quartile compared to men and we have a higher proportion of female employees under 21 where the national minimum wage is lower.
The below charts show the proportion of males and females across Office’s four pay quartiles.
Bonus Gap:
The mean bonus gap difference of 48.7% and median of 50.9% is led by a lower proportion of male employees working in stores as explained previously. There is no difference in the bonus and commission structure between male and female employees at Office.
Conclusion and Director Statement
The results of the Office gender pay gap analysis are positive, and we will continue to keep our performance in this area under ongoing review and seek to enhance the experience of all of our employees in respect of equality, diversity and inclusion.
I confirm that Office is committed to the principle of gender pay equality and has prepared its 2023 gender pay gap results in line with mandatory requirements. I confirm that the information contained in this report is accurate at the time of publishing.
Jon Richens
Managing Director
April 2024